Personas created following the PISHI Concept in summary are a hybrid of conventional individual personas and group personas, which put the person with impairments in the center of the circle of use. The family members, friends, and/or caretakers are the members of the close circle of the person with impairments. In our study, we established that assistive technologies are often groupwares. The use of such systems can be modeled through the distributed cognitive framework, meaning that the cognitive load of the tasks gets distributed across the members of the circle of use. Thus, instead of analysing each individual and representing them through indiviudal personas, we look at them as a collaborative group. This group representation still puts the direct user of the system in the center while realizing their interactions with the other members of the circle of use. This template brings to light some of the formerly overlooked characteristics of such constructs such as the collective knowledge, experience, and expertise of the close circle of use.
One of the main outcomes of this design process were the markdown templates created to represent conventional (Individual) Personas, Collaboration Personas, and personas created through the PISHI Concept. The markdown templates allow for the personas to be shared, forked, edited, etc. on Git repositories and the changes made to such personas can be trackable. Custom CSS can be added to these templates to create visual representations similar to representations created using current practices for creating personas.
If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!